Thursday, July 7, 2011

Planter box

The basil I planted took about two months to sprout and as soon a it did, it promptly started getting eaten by bugs!! I am so sad!! I started with seeds and everything instead of buying the starter plants, and I waited and waited, and have planned meals around this basil, and look at it!!  I am not really overreacting about how important and sad this story is either because, as you can see, even pin head bugs know how good basil is.  That is why they are eating tons of it!

I don't want to put insecticides on it, because then I will have to eat the insecticide... but maybe I should.  Its not like the plants that we get from the grocery store aren't covered in them...

Maybe I will go get myself a starter plant and try to grow it inside?

On a slightly brighter note, you can see the cilantro I planted in the bottom picture.  It is dying as well (it seems to be a bit sensitive to getting too much sun I think) but at least I got to use it a couple times. And it was delicious.

As a side note, I believe that both Andrea and Jessica have some basil and/or cilantro growing at their houses too.  Great minds think alike!


  1. Chelle bring them inside your house... THats what I do. I have little planter boxes with our garden. Just stick them in a sunny place and let them heal and get better.

  2. Yay for herbs! The bugs are trying to eat mine too, so I'm just trying to beat them to it. ;)

    PS. My cilantro is dead with a capital "D"! =(
