I am really excited for this year because it is going to be so different from the past seven years of my life. Not that the past seven years haven't been awesome, but 2013 will be the first time in my adult life that I won't have any major life events happening. For the past seven years, I have been moving constantly, I have been in and out of relationships, I have graduated, started a career, gotten married, gotten pregnant, Brad graduated, we had a baby, I ended my career and we moved again. In seven years the only constant in my life has been change. This will not be true in 2013. I have no major life events to look forward to or be stressed about.
I am thrilled by this prospect! I absolutely love my life exactly how it is right now, and am so glad that the major things in it are going to be constant. Nothing is going to change. As I have been trying to decide what my goals will be for the year, this lack of change is giving me a sense of freedom in what I will be able to accomplish during all of this blissful domestic stability. I feel like I can do anything I want.
And out of everything there is to choose from what do I want to do, you might ask? Anti-climactically, I would reply that I do not know. I want to do too many things, that is for sure. I feel like that girl on Never Been Kissed, who, when asked by Drew Berrymore's character what she wants to do with her life, goes off on a list of million things. I just don't know which things to choose. It is hard when you have too many interests and there is only so much time in a year.
I will tell you what I don't want to do. I don't want to waste time by doing a million things but each only a teeny bit. I want to have focus and purpose with the things that I dabble in. So that is my goal. Make this year purposeful. I want to purposefully plan what I am going to do in advance. Schedule all the awesome, fun things I want to do so that I make sure that they happen and I am not looking back on this golden opportunity that is 2013 wondering how I could possibly have gotten so distracted by Pintrest and The Mentalist. Although I do love those things. And they are so diverting.
I think I need to buy a planner.
And don't forget about Downton! That's already distracting me and it hasn't even started...