Thursday, January 17, 2013

Weekly Date

Last night Brad and I planned out what we were doing for date night for every week of this year. I am so excited! Half of the dates are stay-at-home dates so we don't have to get a baby-sitter as often, but at least on those nights we will be doing something fun that was planned in advance that is more interactive than just watching a movie. I know that since these dates are on the calendar we are at least 70% more likely to go on a date every week. Feel free to check up on us later to see if we are following the plan. When you are trying to accomplish a goal it helps when tons of people know what you are trying to do so you feel like even more of a fool when you don't do it :)

Another great thing about these dates is that these plans don't even include all the fun activities we are going to do as a family during the year. And we haven't even mentioned vacations yet! That is the next thing I want to plan out. Making fun plans is the best!


  1. I think you should post them, cause we all could use some ideas!

  2. some ideas! we always end up watching movies.
    glad miss avery is feeling better!
